Assessing Culture (Core Concepts 2)
Learn about the different options you have for getting a clearer picture of what your culture really is, and how to go deep enough so you get the insights that make a difference.
The first course provided an overview of culture and employee engagement, but the first step in doing culture right is understanding exactly what your culture is, and that means an assessment. This course will show you:
The four major types of culture assessments and which ones might work for you.
How to place your culture along a continuum, ranging from traditionalist to futurist.
How to spot the hidden culture patterns that have been holding you back from achieving maximum impact as an organization.
Overview of course content
The surprising variety in types of culture assessments
The 4 major assessment types
The heart of our model: 8 Culture Markers
Assignment: Which Assessment Type is Right for You?
How to measure the journey from traditionalist to futurist
Example: Innovation
You Don't Always Want to Be Futurist
Case Study: Sometimes Silos are Good
Assignment: How Futurist Are You?
The power of good culture conversations
Example: Culture and the Hybrid Workplace
Ebook on Hybrid Workplace Culture
Assignment: Culture and Back to Office Planning
We dug into 1 million data points, and these culture patterns emerged.
Overview of the 8 Dominant Culture Patterns
Connecting Culture Patterns and Your DE&I Work
Assignment: DE&I Work and Culture
The Assessment is always the start of something
Culture Change: Making It Real v. Making it Permanent
The Rest of the Core Concept Courses
Applied Courses in Culture Design and Management
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