Changing Culture (Core Concepts 3)
Learn a model for changing culture—no matter where you are in the organization.
The first course showed you what culture is, and the second showed you how to assess it. Now we get to the fun stuff: culture change. This course will take the mystery out of culture change and give you a concrete model you can start to apply right away. It will include:
How to convert the "culture patterns" you saw in the assessment into concrete "culture priorities" that will guide your action planning.
How to connect the dots between your priorities and your success drivers so your people understand WHY the change is happening.
How to develop both short-term and long-term action plans that maintain momentum and drive real change.
Overview of course content
What Is Culture Design?
Example: Designing a Culture of Innovation
Whose Job is Culture Design?
Assignment: Are the right people seeing your culture patterns?
Converting Culture Patterns into Culture Priorities
The Core Components of a Culture Priority
How Long do Culture Priorities Last?
Assignment: Fleshing Out a Culture Priority
How the Playbook Model Works
The Six Types of Culture Plays
Samples from our Play Database
Assignment: Making it Real and Making it Permanent
Overview of Culture Management
Assignment: Culture Change Strategic Plan
Don't Miss the Last Core Concept Course
Applied Courses in Culture Design and Management
Slide Deck for this Course
Evaluation Survey for this course
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If you want a deeper dive into our stuff, we put it here.
Demo Webinar of Our Culture Design Process
Culture Change Links