"Culture done right" starts here.

Learn the basics of how to design and manage your culture so it will drive success and employee engagement. The four units in this course give you the foundational knowledge you need to immediately start crafting an amazing workplace culture.

  • UNIT 1 gives you a concrete definition of culture, shows you how to do core values right, and reveals the true connection between culture and engagement.

  • UNIT 2 explains how to get a handle on the "what is" of your culture through both quantitative and qualitative assessment techniques.

  • UNIT 3 shows you how to change culture, debunking the myth that it's impossible and giving you a framework for being systematic about your culture change work.

  • UNIT 4 zooms out to the big picture and gives you a framework and a maturity model for ongoing culture management, so you'll know your culture is always moving in the right direction.

Learn How to Do Culture Right

Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to design and implement culture change.

Click "show more" to see the full course outline:

    1. Introduction

    2. What to expect in this course

    1. Overview of Unit 1

    1. Definition of culture

    2. Breakdown of the definition

    3. Additional Reading: Culture

    4. Assignment: Culture Inconsistencies

    1. How to do core values right

    2. Good and bad examples of core values

    3. Links that point to the examples in the video

    4. Assignment: Core Values in Real Life

    1. Why best practices don't work when it comes to culture

    2. Zappos case study

    3. Some Zappos Links

    1. The Billion Dollar (a year) Question: Why Isn't Engagement Going Up?

    2. The track record on engagement—and a better approach

    3. Assignment: What Are Your Success Drivers?

  • $49.00
  • 94 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Culture management is everyone's job.

Wherever you are in the organization, you need to make sure the culture is moving in the right direction. But if you don't understand the basics of how it works, you'll end up with a culture that evolves randomly, and that never ends well.